Previewing: Princes of the Dragon Throne

Welcome to Lo’en, a land ruled by us dragons. Sure, there are other kingdoms of humans and goblins and the like, but they all answer to us. We control the Dragon Throne, and our lordship is not in question. However....
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Previewing: What’s He Building In There?

Here’s a fun fact that you can learn from watching Lorien Green’s great gaming documentary, Going Cardboard: Friedemann Friese, of Power Grid fame, had an dilemma when he was designing it. He wanted you to be able to move between...
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Previewing: Relic Expedition

Admit it: there’s a certain appeal to adventures. Whether it’s the iconic road trip, learning new skills, or simply going somewhere you’ve never been before, there’s an innate sense of excitement when we get to do them. And that’s just...
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Previewing: Lords of Gossamer and Shadow

When you ask most people unfamiliar with tabletop gaming what they know about it, you’ll probably get some explanation involving that it includes people, that they’re pretending to someone else, and it has to do with Dungeons & Dragons. It’s...
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Previewing: High Heavens

Remember back when you were a kid. Weren’t there some subjects of learning that were massively fascinating to you? Dinosaurs, how things function, the solar system, the basics of science. (Honestly, who didn’t get excited with their first baking soda...
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The Gathering: Reuniting Pioneering Artists of Magic

I think we can agree that gaming, all gaming, is a geeky pastime. It has its devoted fans, inside jokes, a niche-but-dedicated market, and it’s something that society as a whole sometimes looks at with an eyebrow cocked. We love...
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Previewing: Dragon’s Hoard

So many games out there involve dragons. Because, well, dragons are pretty cool. However, so many of these games seem to be based around avoiding the dragon, killing the dragon, or dealing with the dragon’s wrath. How about beingĀ  the...
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Previewing: Empires of Zidal

Deck-building games have become a new craze since the commercial success of Dominion. Dominion didn’t exactly create the idea of a deck-building game – alternatives to the trading card model of making decks has been around almost as long as...
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Previewing: Hull Breach!

In science fiction, authors have one of two ways they can approach the future. The first is exploring the ideas of the possible: exchanges with alien cultures, unbridled technological advances, psychic powers. Teleporters. Time travel. Alternate realities. These are often...
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