Previewing: Tiny Epic Defenders

Your tiny epic kingdom is in peril – dire peril- and only a small band of 1-4 defenders can save it! Or die trying. You’ll probably die trying, honestly. Tiny Epic Defenders is the co-op sequel to Tiny Epic Kingdoms,...
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Previewing: Harbour

So, Harbour is a game about shipping goods…. Wait, wait, wait! Hear me out. It’s only about shipping goods… Come back! Did I mention it doesn’t take place in medieval Europe? And that it’s a particularly potent and engaging game...
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Previewing: Scrapyard Empire

How many times have you seen this event unfold in stories: An intrepid scientist / engineer / doctor works furiously at a workbench, forsaking all other activities in the sake of their most prized pursuit. Their lab is as unkempt...
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Previewing: Alakaslam

Officiating wizard battles are a tough thing. What are the ground rules? Does anything go, or are there limitations? Imaging trying to be the judge for that sort of thing: “Transmogrification, teleportation, and elemental manipulation , that’s ok, but no...
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Previewing: Brave The Elements

It is said that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the land where everyone is throwing fireballs, it’s far less clear who the champion is. Such is the way of things on the island...
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Previewing: Unknown

Imagine, if you will, the game of Carcassonne. Picture its sprawling cities and farms, each tile slowly revealing the next segment of a largely tranquil and bucolic region. Now picture would happen to that sleepy little Carcassonne region if it...
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Previewing: Transylvania Curses & Traitors

It’s been two weeks now tracking down the supposed causes of what plagues this land, but like everything in this blasted place, you can’t seem to make heads or tails of it. All you know is that the fear keeps...
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Previewing: Evolution

Whether it’s gliding through the air or tracking prey through darkness, scaling sheer cliffs or hiding in plain sight, animals can do some pretty impressive things. Nature has directed each and every species that has ever walked the Earth through...
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Previewing: Bullfrogs

When people like to think of old board games, they usually consider games like Monopoly, Risk, or Clue. After all, these games have existed for decades, and by today’s standards, these games, with their dice rolls and unadorned boards, aren’t...
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Previewing: Westerly (Sort Of)

Howdy folks! If you’ve had any sort of education in the last 30 years, there’s a very good likelihood that you’ve at least heard of the massively popular (and often educational) game, Oregon Trail. It’s a strange thing to say...
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