It wasn’t his fault that the lab was on fire. Well, OK, the transmutation circle had been smudged in exactly the wrong spot… And the homunculus helping him draw it had suddenly been reduced to its component elements three hours...
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It wasn’t his fault that the lab was on fire. Well, OK, the transmutation circle had been smudged in exactly the wrong spot… And the homunculus helping him draw it had suddenly been reduced to its component elements three hours...
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The klaxons are buzzing, the fans filing into their seats, and the pilots are undoubtedly making their last-minute warmup checks. Oh yes, the crowd is ready. Hold on to your hats – it’s time for some Inzeption! Inzeption. You know,...
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You’ve probably heard that old saying that learning is fun, and for some out there, this is true. There are those who enjoyed schooling as they sought to unravel the mysteries of how the universe worked, tackling anything and everything...
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The world built by humans is a comfortable, yet fragile place. It is filled with warmth and food, kindness and comfort. Alas, lurking beyond its borders, in its shadows and at its edges, terrible things wait. Ancient spirits and gods...
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Gamers love to try out new concepts and ideas, partly due to the newness factor, and partly because we are currently in an era of unmitigated game design expansion. Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter have only added to this rapid pace,...
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Hello. Me Nrg. It not good time to be Nrg. Nrg want food, but food not around. All Nrg has is rocks. Nrg cannot eat rocks. Nrg friend Rrak eat rocks for food. Rrak now dead. Nrg took Rrak’s rocks....
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Alright, let us get this out of the way right out of the gate: the art to Havok & Hijinks is adorable. There’s little denying this. If you’re a person who judges game projects based on their artwork, and you...
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Chances are, at some point in your life you’ve played with a deck of playing cards. A mere 52 card deck, maybe you played some Rummy or War or Crazy Eights as a kid. When you got older, maybe you...
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For the vast majority of human civilization, battles have been fought in familiar patterns. Armies marched on armies, by column and by row. Cavalry, archers, terrain, weather -these things all came into important detail. Sometimes the commanders were at the...
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Kings and Queens were very busy people once upon a time. They had entire countries to rule, armies to muster, reigns to secure. It couldn’t have been easy what with massive opulence and power on the one hand, and having...
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