As part of our September Spotlight on Battle Merchants, we strive to inform the readers of little extra tidbits surrounding the game. Games are made by people, and one of those tidbits we enjoy is learning a little bit more...
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As part of our September Spotlight on Battle Merchants, we strive to inform the readers of little extra tidbits surrounding the game. Games are made by people, and one of those tidbits we enjoy is learning a little bit more...
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The dark and seedy underbelly of Black Market trade is enough to make most people cringe. But we can tell that you’re not most people. You know that the world doesn’t move forward on rainbows and puppies. Sure, that’d be...
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The concept of turning lead into gold mesmerized people for centuries. They’re so close on the Periodic Table, and they each bear some interesting properties. The difference is that lead is a hunk of rock, useless for most people’s purposes...
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Editor’s Note: You can now check out our review of the game to help you decide! If you were stationed in the upper regions of the isle known as Brittania during the height of Roman expansion, it would very...
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As part of The Cardboard Republic’s Indie Spotlight for July on NSKN Games‘s Roman-themed worker placement game Praetor, we thought we’d build up some attention on it the same way you build up Hadrian’s Wall. So join us on the evening...
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As we hurdle towards the end of June’s Indie Spotlight focus on the Boston Festival of Indie Games, we thought it would only be fitting if we focused on its future. Boston FIG has only been around for a few...
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In an age of digital delivery just a click away, today is more integrated and interconnected than ever. Some outside of the hobby occasionally get perplexed about how this simple reality – our new reality – can paradoxically have helped...
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You might already know that we at the Cardboard Republic are fans of BFIG, the Boston Festival of Indie Games. If not, you will be, because we plan on mentioning it quite a bit over the next month. It’s local...
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In the game of Havok & Hijinks, a handful of precocious young dragons are tasked by their parents with going forth into the world and starting their own treasure hoards. Whether it’s because the parents are simply sick of sharing...
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Few things capture the imagination the way that dragons do, and the dragons of Havok & Hijinks doubly so. Just look at them! They’re mischievous and adorable at the same time. We weren’t sure what the inception behind these little...
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