A Galactic Getaway: A Tau Ceti Giveaway

You ever wonder what it would be like for an alien race to visit Earth? Aside from it being a completely foreign place full of strange and confusing things, they’d also have to deal with the whole humans being humans thing. Because – and let’s face it – we haven’t exactly made the idea of aliens coming to visit seem all that inviting. We have a hard enough time getting along with each other, let alone the prospect of an entirely unknown race.

It doesn’t take long to figure out why. From The War of the Worlds to Independence Day, we’ve spent more than a century coming up with story after story about how the only reason an extraterrestrial race would want to come to Earth at all would either be to kill humans, take over the planet, or both. And for every ALF, E.T., Kryptonian, or otherwise benevolent alien visitor, tale after tale has made clear that not everyone would be okay with their stopping by our little blue ball.

We’re just saying: the fact that the aptly-named Alien is a horror movie says a lot about our psyche.

Indeed, it seems the only time humans are willing to cooperate with offworlders is when we’re forcibly reminded that we’re not the center of the universe. Such as in the game of Tau Ceti.

In Tau Ceti, several down on their luck races throughout the galaxy – including humanity – have been inexplicably drawn to that sector of space by and for reasons unknown. Desperate for stability and the means to re-establish their respective civilizations, these alien factions banded together to bolster trade, innovation, and diplomacy.

Using highly modular rules and numerous victory conditions, this semi-cooperative 4X game allows players to control the layout and objectives of every playthrough, giving you a moderate amount of control over which 4X aspects you’d prefer to emphasize during each game. With elements of area control, economic management, and the need to assemble crews full of experts to explore neighboring territories, players must balance their own personal agendas with the need to prevent their shaky alliance from collapsing entirely.

So, yes, while aliens visiting Earth is pretty unlikely anytime soon, the same isn’t true in reverse. In fact, there are plenty of aliens out at Tau Ceti who are particularly fond of humans and some of our contributions – especially our coffee. And we want everyone to experience that cross-cultural exchange.

The problem is that Tau Ceti is a long way from here (relatively speaking), and we couldn’t afford it on our own. So what we did is team up with the Tau Ceti Department of Tourism and Water Reclamation (don’t ask) to offer one lucky person the chance to vacation among the planets of Tau Ceti. It’s the chance of several lifetimes, and it could be yours right now!

The winner will receive an entry package, cleverly disguised in the form of a game, simulating the kind of otherworldly experiences awaiting you out among the stars. What are you waiting for?!?

From now until midnight EST on July 8th you can check the contest out on our Facebook page, or by entering below. Just follow the entry form and proceed with the contest. The more you do, even if just one, you still have a better chance than not entering at all. Of course you’re welcome to do that too. But your odds of winning drop to zero. No pressure or anything.

The Fine Print: The Cardboard Republic, in conjunction with Outer Limit Games is giving this game away strictly for entertainment purposes. This act is not a paid endorsement by Outer Limit Games or any other entity. This contest is open to individuals only. Staff members of The Cardboard Republic and Outer Limit Games are not eligible to participate. For winners outside of the Continental US, the publisher reserves the right to request they cover part or all of the shipping costs.