Enlisting For The Cause: A Zephyr Giveaway

It seems quaint by today’s standards that mankind can take to the air in flying machines of their own design, but for centuries the sheer thought of exploring the world from above was a fantasy, a whim, a fevered wish of elite and commoner alike. To soar as the birds do, to leave the earth we stand upon – it was a realm off limits to humans. It was the realm of animals and gods, and we were not invited.

Well, at least, until we barged our way in anyway. Humans are a tenacious and persistent lot, after all.

We take it for granted now, but when we first conquered flight, it changed the world instantly. It was that powerful of an event. We had waited for so long to take to the heavens – dreamed of it, reached for it, wondered what that freedom would be like – that when the day arrived, there was no going back. It was finally ours to explore, and we knew it. Even now there’s a collective part of us that is still fascinated with air travel. And rightfully so. We’ve had air travel for about a century, but our imagination on what that could mean is far from over.

Especially if that imagination involves a contentious steampunk-era fight for dominance among the skies.

Luckily we don’t have to wonder about what that would be like at 40,000 feet. We can do it from the safety of ground level, with Zephyr: Winds of Change.

In the game of Zephyr, each player acts as a captain piloting their own airship in an effort to stave off bands of dangerous and cranky sky pirates. In this highly modular co-op game, you work together as a ragtag team of fighters trying to keep safe the last vestiges of civilization from aerial-based attacks and plundering by confronting your enemies head on.

Think of it as a mix between early 20th century dogfighting and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, only with slightly less explosions and a lot less CGI.

To accomplish this, each player must upgrade their ship, hire crew, and prepare for battle against the pirate gangs. Between the scenarios chosen, the variety of ship layouts, and an ingenious mix-and-match overlay system of crew member abilities with varying ship roles, Zephyr offers an incredibly high degree of variability and replayability, giving you plenty of space to spread your wings and see where your efforts take you.

The thing is, the fight hasn’t been going super well, and they need reinforcements if they want to protect the homestead while also taking the fight to their enemies. That’s where you come in. the Zephyr crews are looking for new people to enlist. And to help people prepare, they’re offering up this game as a practice course for what lies ahead.

And since we can’t do it ourselves for…reasons…we’re passing that opportunity for aviator glory on to you.

So grab your cap and venture forth young Ace, for action and adventure awaits you among the clouds!

Good luck. We’re all counting on you.

From now until midnight EST on June 3rd you can check the contest out on our Facebook page, or by entering below. Just follow the entry form and proceed with the contest. The more you do, even if just one, you still have a better chance than not entering at all. Of course you’re welcome to do that too. But your odds of winning drop to zero. No pressure or anything.


The Fine Print: The Cardboard Republic, in conjunction with Portal Dragon is giving this game away strictly for entertainment purposes. This act is not a paid endorsement by Portal Dragon or any other entity. This contest is open to individuals only. Staff members of The Cardboard Republic and Portal Dragon are not eligible to participate. For winners outside of the Continental US, the publisher reserves the right to request they cover part or all of the shipping costs.