Hall of Records

Welcome fair citizen to the gaming Hall of Records. Below, our scribes have carefully laid out all of the games we have currently processed and entered into the books. Free free to browse or search for any of the titles that we have addressed previously, and if you have any questions, please feel free to inquire with one of the available scriveners.

Our current full list of reviewed games is sortable by name, player size and length of game time. Games can also be sorted according to player archetypes. If you aren’t sure what your gamer types may be, we happen to have a link to a short quiz to help with that up in the menu bar.

Legend Key:

hall key

  • Very Short: Less than 30 minutes.
  • Short: Between 30 and 60 minutes.
  • Average: Between one and two hours.
  • Long: Between two and three hours.
  • Very Long: Over three hours.
  • (A) denotes an Audio review