Do you love dissecting tabletop RPG scenarios, talk about strategies of the latest game of Twilight Imperium, or wonder why it is everyone is so damn fascinated with Sheep on the island of Catan? Then this may interest you!
We’re currently seeking passionate new contributors, both for specific roles and for more open-ended topic possibilities. Think of this as a CR enlistment opportunity.
If you are an aspiring game reviewer, or simply a writer looking for the right audience to spread your wings, we very well may be able to help.
Besides the desire to increase our overall columnists and continuing our ongoing opportunity for obligation-free guest writing stints, the largest two areas we’re looking for are in trying to get a fleet of LCG games coverage off the ground, as well as us prodding more into the often-underrepresented area of games that are past prototype stage but for one reason or another won’t be heading for large-scale publication.
In the case of LCGs, we think it’d be fun to have individuals report on new packs and other thoughts for each game. In the case of ‘Game Crafter-level games’, we feel that there are many worthwhile games that are worthy of attention that we can’t currently give them. We get a lot of requests for these particularly, and we feel bad that we have to turn so many away due to our normal games queue – even are interesting.
So go ahead and check out what we currently need help with. Read them over. Share them around.
Sadly, none of these are paying positions, but we can provide other rewards instead.
If any of them sound interesting, we can be reached on our social media or at info

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News Desk Reporter
- Role: Once upon a time, the board game world was a simple place with infrequent pieces of news. Now, between company announcements and Kickstarter updates, some days it’s hard to keep up from a consumer side, let alone from a reporting standpoint. Previously shelved temporarily so we could focus on other aspects of the site, we are now looking to revive our news desk. This role would be to for someone help us sort through various press releases and / or someone with an interest looking at active Kickstarter projects of interest.
- Qualifications: This person would be focusing on helping us put out timely and relevant news updates from companies and the indie gaming scene, whether it’s in the form of established press releases and / or weekly Kickstarter / indie game roundups. They would have significant leeway with the style and format to accomplish this, though timely turnaround of pieces is essential. A writing sample may be requested.
Game Crafter Games Reviewer
- Role: Many ‘Game Crafter’ level games are finished products, but their designers have no plans and / or interest to crowdfund more a more commercial version of the game. This leaves many potentially interesting and fun games in a limbo state when it comes to getting coverage on their game, as most people won’t even look at them. We think otherwise, but sadly, by and large we don’t have the time to take in all of the requests we get for this. However, we feel that this is a wonderful opportunity for an aspiring game reviewer looking to try their hand at reviewing games.
- Qualifications: This person would be given the opportunity for Game Crafter games to be periodically sent to them for review. These reviews don’t have to be as stringent as the normal CR reviews, but they would still be expected to play the game thoroughly and craft a 1500-2000 word review on the game. Ideally, this would a be minimum of one game review a month. A writing sample may be requested.
Digital Games Port Reviewer
- Role: Sometimes your favorite board games aren’t easily playable because you don’t have the time or people for a game night. Well, you’re in luck! In recent years, more and more board games have been ‘ported’ – a fancy way of saying they’ve been moved – to various digital platforms. Some games are carbon copies of their physical selves while others add or change aspects of gameplay. We love the idea of exploring these games under a new digital lens, and a while back we even created a new column to that end. However, due to time constraints, our Pixel Provinces series is currently unmanned. So, if you like the idea of exploring Board Games Gone Digital, then this may be something up your alley.
- Qualifications: This person would have the opportunity to review digital game adaptations both past and current of existing board games. Coverage would consist of the quality of the app, how it treats the original material, and how it may differ between the various platforms. Ideally, this person should have access to both Apple and Android devices in case the app is limited to one format. The delivery format (whether written or video) is negotiable. Ideally, this would a be minimum of one game review a month. If written is desired, a writing sample may be requested. If video is desired, a sample runthrough video may be requested.
Expandable Games Coverage
- Role: This is more than a single role, as the intent is to have a dedicated individual for each LCG/ECG listed (though if there is one not mentioned, feel free to do so.) The purpose is to allow someone the freedom to explore each game’s expansions and changes as they come out, since most of these games release expansions differently than a normal board or card game. The focus of such pieces would be to talk about the new packs as they come out as a minimum, but any article in addition to that regarding the game would be possible.
- Qualifications: This person would be someone who would be have access to new card packs as they come out, meaning the ideal writer would be someone who currently plays the game and would likely be picking them up on their own anyhow. Article length would likely vary, but on average be approximately 1000-1300 words. A writing sample may be requested.
Tabletop RPG Writer
- Role: Do you love rolling up character sheets and exploring monster manuals? Do you like adventuring in other times and places with a fun game group – or leading as a GM yourself? And would you like to share your love of RPGs? You’re in luck. This is an opportunity for someone interested in writing 1-2 articles per month. The topic is flexible so long as it is RPG, but the idea is that the column have a theme of some kind to tie the articles together over time, even loosely. Examples could include tips for GMs, exploring indie RPG titles off the beaten path, or exploring an in-game adventure in some way.
- Qualifications: This person would be someone who can submit articles on a regular basis. Article length would be approximately 1200-1500 words for a bi-monthly piece or 2000-2800 words for a monthly piece. A writing sample may be requested.
Column Writer
- Role: This is an opportunity for someone interested in writing 1-2 articles per month. The topic is flexible so long as it is regarding gaming or gaming-related, but the idea is that the column have a theme of some kind to tie the articles together over time, even loosely.
- Qualifications: This person would be someone who can submit articles on a regular basis. Article length would be approximately 1200-1500 words for a bi-monthly piece or 2000-2800 words for a monthly piece. A writing sample may be requested.
Guest Writing Spots
- Role: Do you have occasional writing ideas that you’d love to put out there to readers about gaming and gaming-related subjects? This is for you. The topic and length are quite flexible. This is a great opportunity to get your feet in the water writing about games without worrying about routine commitment.
- Qualifications: There is no expectation beyond the submission of the article and the ability to write coherently. The main thing is that you’d have to get it in by an agreed upon timetable. A writing sample may be requested.