The Cardboard Republic

The Internet Teases New Dead Of Winter Game

Just like those leftovers from last Thanksgiving still in the freezer, there’s something mysterious on the horizon for Dead of Winter. This week pictures have been popping up online of a box for a new game set in Plaid Hat Games’ popular game of near-future survival.

Unlike the zombies in Dead of Winter, information as to just what lurks inside this new box remain buried, with the only details coming from the game box itself. Described as a ‘Raxxon survival kit,” this new game is designed by Plaid Hat Games ‘ J. Arthur Ellis, whose credits include work on Dead of Winter’s expansions The Long Night and Warring Colonies. The box also carries the label “Set in the world of Dead of Winter,” making this appear to be the first stand-alone game set in the Dead of Winter universe.

Alongside this viral marketing blitz, Publisher Asmodee has launched a website for the game that includes company profiles and brushes aside Dead of Winter’s zombie scare as “vastly overstated.” The site also includes a link to a command line interface what when accessed using the password ‘bloodymunchies,’ takes visitors deeper down Dead of Winter’s rabbit hole.

Of course, what any of this has to do with the mystery game remains just that, a mystery. Perhaps it will give players the opportunity to explore the inner workings of the nefarious company.

Astute Dead of Winter fans will no-doubt will recognize the Raxxon name on the box as belonging the fictional pharmaceutical company responsible for the game’s zombie outbreak. Like Resident Evil’s Umbrella Corp., behind every zombie nuisance, there’s always a drug company out to make a buck. Here’s hoping those (un)lucky recipients of the Raxxon box will live to tell their tale.


Photo Credit: Jon Gilmour’s Facebook

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