The Cardboard Republic

Vox Republica 126: The Art Of The [Preorder] Deal

Episode 126

Length: 1:03:20

Show Links: RSS | iTunes | Stitcher | Download Episode


voxlogofullWelcome back to Vox Republica, the Cardboard Republic Podcast!

We post new episodes every other Thursday, with each episode being about 45 minutes long.

Vox Republica is proudly supported by our Patreon. Consider contributing today!

DESCRIPTION: Attempting to get back to a normal length podcast after August’s heavier episodes, this week Erin and Ryan talk about some recent Patreon happenings – including an announcement about it – and then they dive into a discussion on how much you need to know about a game before you order it. After that, the days is rounded out by a review of Avalanche at Yeti Mountain.



QUICK TOPICS – (24:12):


REVIEW – (41:33):

(Note: if you don’t see pictures below, you can view them via the RSS feed or clicking this link.)

The rocket skis for the player

The rocket ski card for the…er…Green player?

With the card played matching their space, Purple can activate their rockets to leap ahead and still move four spaces

The various cards found on Yeti Mountain

Yellow has made an unexpected friend this turn

It’s all downhill from here

The avalanche is about to spell the end for Orange

It’s a photo finish!


PLUGS – (1:02:07):


We’d love to hear from you! You can send questions or feedback via email at You can also reach us social media, including Twitter and BoardGameGeek.


Audio Credits: Intro music track is “Swing!” by Bargo!, used under Creative Commons license.

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