What Gamer Type are You?
1. The zombie apocalypse is upon us! What's your preferred method of survival?
Defend your base and command targeted missions out into the affected area.
Stock up on the essentials and try to cope with the situation.
Gather your friends together and hope you all make it. Somehow.
You've watched movies on this. Grab your cricket bat and head for the nearest pub.
You've been waiting for this day. Time to head out and start wracking up the kill count.
2. Well, you didn't play that very well. You've made a rather significant miscalculation, and now you don't stand a chance of victory. How do you cope?
Laugh it off.
Curse yourself, and spend the rest of the game annoying the remaining players.
You wish you could remember what you did so that you won't make the same mistake twice, but alas. Moving on..
Try to rebuild your wealth. You may not finish with the gold, but you still won't give up the chance at silver.
You might not be able to win, but you'll last until the end. Shore up your defenses and sit out the siege.
Mental note - 'that did not work'. You won't do that again, but now is a good time to try out some other strategy.
3. Another player backstabs you at the beginning of a game. How do you react?
'Target Acquired'.
Fortify your defenses, and build your strength until someone else weakens the other player. Then, strike with minimal losses.
You don't know without more detail, as it would depend on many factors.
It was well-played. You mostly ignore the strike and move on.
Tease them mercilessly for the rest of the night.
Plan cold, hard revenge.
4. Which of the following game types seems the most appealing to you?
One with a variety of tactics
One with multiple paths to victory
One with a good degree of chance
One with clear goals
One with high player interactions
One with a rich story background
5. You are playing a somewhat complex game for the first time with more experienced players. How will you approach the game?
Make an educated guess on the best tactic to compete with the experienced players.
Find a way of acquiring resources while trying to upset the least amount of people.
Try to figure out a basic strategy and see if it works.
Just wing it.
Base your tactics off what feels most right within the game's theme.
Use the political power of conversation to offset in my gaps of understanding.
6. What is your LEAST important factor when choosing a game to play?
Rules / Mechanics
Fellow Participants
Theme / Flavor
7. You are sent to jail in Monopoly. How do you react?
"I can spare one of my Get out Jail Free Cards."
"It was doubles that got me here; it'll be doubles that get me out."
"Jail? The whole game is annoying me."
"Whatever. I'll just roll."
"Hey guys, come meet me at Just Visiting!"
"I'll pay the $50 and move on."
8. What is your opinion on the amount of chance in a game?
I thrive on it. Luck is the great equalizer.
A little luck helps to enhance the overall experience.
Minimally. Skill should trump luck whenever possible.
Lots of luck means I can focus more on the players than the rules.
I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't determine everything I can do.
A necessary evil, but I prefer to avoid having all of my effort come down to a simple dice roll.
9. Your dungeon-crawling adventuring party has come upon a treasure chest. What do you hope to find inside?
A disgruntled gnome
Tomes containing lost history of the region
High quality gear
A quest-related item
A detailed map for the rest of the dungeon
10. You're planning for a big evening party at your house. Where is your focus for it during the hours beforehand?
Cleaning up the place and hiding the breakables.
Prep..ar..a..tion? None needed. These things just work themselves out.
Whatever extra steps are necessary to make sure it's memorable.
Shopping to make sure you'll have enough food and drink for the guests.
Sending out last minute invitations and directions.
Making a great playlist.
11. Of those listed, what was your favorite childhood game?
Hide and Seek
Duck, Duck Goose
Red Light, Green Light
Red Rover
Simon Says
12. You're nearing the end of a lengthy game, and you will win on your final move. However, in order to win you'll have to betray a long-term ally. What are you thinking?
Nah. It's only a game.
It really depends on the circumstances.
I'd prefer not to, but I've invested too much to stop now.
In a heartbeat. It was an alliance of convenience anyway.
I didn't originally think I had a shot, but since I'm here...
I'll do it only if I absolutely have to, and only if I'm safe from retribution.
13. Your friend brings over a brand new game for this week's game night and the box really impresses you. What do you like most about it?
Nothing. The box doesn't matter as long as the game is good.
All the different races, classes, and buildings laid out on the front.
For 5-20 players! We can all play at once!
It has a nice clear objective posted.
It appears to be a fairly short, fast-paced game.
The cleverly written description on the back.
14. If you could pick one of these game shows to be on, which would it be?
Deal or No Deal
Wheel of Fortune
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire
Family Feud
The Price is Right
15. Your game was supposed to last two hours. It's currently going on hour number four with no sign of stopping. What do you do?
If the game is developing in a fun way, you want to see where it ends up next.
You burnt through all your strategies awhile ago. Now it's time for an all-out assault with the few pieces you have left.
What? Oh. Um...you stopped paying full attention about 3.5 hours ago.
You don't complain. Supposedly, your elaborate turns and complex moves are the reason you're running so late to begin with.
Continue to acquire resources and build your troops. With enough forces, you could launch a final attack to end it all.
You're not sure how you've lasted this long, but you keep going. Now's the time to get really creative.