As we wind down our July Spotlight on Pixel Lincoln, we really tried to come up with something quirky and fun that capitalizes on the goofy nature that the game. It certainly tries to stay irreverent, and we wanted to find a way to represent that. Then we thought, why not look into the origin story a bit more.
For you see, at one point, the now-legendary John Wilkes Booth was doing research on Lincoln, and by sheer happenstance found out that the hat of Lincoln possessed special powers. It was this lost chronicle of history where Booth resolved to steal the hat and claim its power for himself.
One day, in the early 1860’s, Pixel Lincoln was traveling quietly aboard Rail Force One. He heard a disturbance nearby, and decided to check it out. When he looked out the window, Booth nabbed the hat, and made his getaway. From that point forward, Lincoln had to put aside the troubling issues of his own time and reclaim the hat from Booth. The stakes, already dire, now reached new heights. Until that point he was fighting to save his country, but now his mission was to stop Booth – and save the world…
That’s all well and good of course, but what of the hat itself? Well, that, as they say, is another story…
We hope you explore Pixel Lincoln’s journey further as he fights through the fray with his trusty Muttonstar and Beardarang. He’s going to need all the allies he can get!

Credits: Pixel Lincoln artwork and video by Island Officials.